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Textron Wildcat Storage & Racks

Your Textron Wildcat is built to last as long as the day’s light, and beyond, which means you need to make sure you can load up for whatever you might face head-on while out and about. Side By Side Stuff carries a huge selection of storage options, gear bags, coolers, and more.

Adding on a UTV front rack or a Hitch-N-Ride rear cargo rack by Great Day Inc can greatly expand the amount of gear you can take with you without occupying a seat or the bed. Attaching an expedition bag or a spare tire rack is another great way to secure your gear and increase how much you can carry with you. Don’t forget a sturdy cooler, too. Being able to take food and drinks with you, while properly securing it to your ride is a must.

Side By Side Stuff has a huge selection of UTV parts and accessories to make sure your Textron Wildcat makes it through the day with all the gear you need. Don’t forget your first aid kit, tools, extra water, and anything else that you might need in a pinch. If you can’t find it on, you probably don’t need it.

Not sure if someone is right for your Wildcat? Give our customer service team a call and we’ll help you make sure everything is the perfect fit.
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