Refund/return policy
Wrong, damaged or defective items:
Our goal is for you our valued customer to be satisfied with your purchase. Items sent incorrectly, damaged or defective will be exchanged or refunded in full. If an item needs returned please contact Side By Side Stuff for an RA# (Return Authorization Number) within 7 days of receipt. No returns are accepted after 14 days of receipt. The RA# must be written clearly on the outside of the box and a copy of the invoice and letter of explanation placed inside. Returns will not be processed without an RA#. All items (even defective items) should be returned in as clean condition as possible. Shipping fees are not refundable.
All other returns:
For discrepancies not related to damaged, defective or wrong item, the customer must contact Side By Side Stuff for an RA# (Return Authorization Number) within 7 days of receipt. No returns are accepted after 14 days of receipt. Customers have 14 days from receipt to return items prior to use. The RA# must be written clearly on the outside of the box and a copy of the invoice and letter of explanation placed inside. Returns will not be processed without an RA#. There will be a 20% restocking fee for the authorized return of new products. All returned items must be in new condition and in their original packaging in 100% resalable condition, or we may refuse to issue credit. The customer is responsible for any and all return shipping charges unless we shipped an incorrect, damaged or defective item. Shipping fees are not refundable.
In the event of a free shipping promotion, any return that causes the order to fall below the free shipping minimum will result in a $15.00 charge which will be deducted from the refund amount.
Sorry, no returns on discontinued, closeout, custom, or electrical components (ignitions and fuel controllers for example).
Cancellation policy
Call us quick (816) 616-9946! If you contact us prior to your order being processed we can cancel the order without any fees or charges. Once an order has been processed it cannot be cancelled but, it can be returned. Please see our return policy for instructions on how to return an item or order.